FormCad is a program which works in AutoCad environment to estimate the contact area and oncrete quantity based on PDF or any other electronic image file like .jpg . Most of the construction companies receive their tender packages in PDF and in some cases, there are just hard copies of plan drawings. Using FormCad is the easiest way to have your takeoff fast and accurate. Switching to your original CAD setup is so easy and FormCAD doesn’t change anything major in AutoCad profile setting. What you need are:
1-AUTOCAD Software
2-FORMCAD Software
3-Digital Copies of the plan/elevation drawings
How it works: The main idea is to draw a polyline (most of the time a closed polyline) for each element in proper layer and give it a depth. Everything else are the routines to make this task faster and more accurate. At the end of the project, you will have an Excel file showing all detailed information, 3D files of each level /all levels together and so on. Each element in your takeoff has a unique number/name to make it traceable in both drawing and Excel file. The following seven video clips show the complete takeoff of a 10 storey building in real time. The total time for the whole project is 3 hours and 3 minutes.










        Prepare all the layout information you need for your TDS, Robotics and so on. You can have all the following in your drawings and new data files Coordinates of the start, middle and end points of all lines in your drawings ; Coordinates of the center points of all circles Coordinates of the center, start, middle and end points of all arcs in your drawings ; Coordinates of all intersections Coordinates of all the special single points ; Grid lines info (name and coordinates) at all intersections List of all the points, numbers and point type as text in your drawings ; Have everything in different layers based on your requirements Export drawing info into text format as an input for your surveying tools such as Total station, Data collector and so on. Each point mentioned above will receive a unique number in the drawing PDF or CAD file showing all the points and layout drawings This video clip shows the process of a sample drawing in real time. The total time for the whole project is 34 minutes.